Growing Hearts Game

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Instructions for Play

In this game, you will hear about situations that can make your heart stronger or weaker. As your heart gets stronger you’ll move forward, toward the top of the page. If you do something particularly good, you get to climb a ladder, but if you do something that is not loving, you will slide down.

Each player will need a coin, scrap of paper, or other small object to use as a playing piece. If you don’t have a die, click the one below.

To Play:

  1. The youngest player will go first, followed by the next youngest, and so on.
  2. Set your playing pieces in the area at the bottom labeled "Start."
  3. Each player rolls the die and moves their piece that number of spaces (follow the numbered squares in order).
  4. Read the prompt for that square's number and discuss or answer the prompt as directed.
    • If you land on a square at the bottom of a ladder (e.g., square 2), you move up the ladder to the square at the top of the ladder. Ladders always go UP!
    • If you land at the top of a slide (e.g., square 7), you go down to the bottom of the slide. Chutes always go DOWN!
  5. The first person to reach the end (after square 35) wins! But we’re all winners when our hearts get stronger!
Click to roll!


Select the age of your child below, then on the number of each space as you land on it.

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Instructions for Play

In this game, you will hear about situations that can make your heart stronger or weaker. As your heart gets stronger you’ll move forward, toward the top of the page. If you do something particularly good, you get to climb a ladder, but if you do something that is not loving, you will slide down.

Each player will need a coin, scrap of paper, or other small object to use as a playing piece. If you don’t have a die, click the one below.

To Play:

  1. The youngest player will go first, followed by the next youngest, and so on.
  2. Set your playing pieces in the area at the bottom labeled "Start."
  3. Each player rolls the die and moves their piece that number of spaces (follow the numbered squares in order).
  4. Read the prompt for that square's number and discuss or answer the prompt as directed.
    • If you land on a square at the bottom of a ladder (e.g., square 2), you move up the ladder to the square at the top of the ladder. Ladders always go UP!
    • If you land at the top of a slide (e.g., square 7), you go down to the bottom of the slide. Chutes always go DOWN!
  5. The first person to reach the end (after square 35) wins! But we’re all winners when our hearts get stronger!
Click to roll!


Select the age of your child below, then on the number of each space as you land on it.