Features & Options


Each session is made available in a variety of formats to meet your ministry needs.

English Language

We offer a general English edition and a Commonwealth edition for our friends in Canada, the U.K., Australia, and beyond.

Spanish Language

Our bilingual edition has parent text in Spanish and child text in English. All-Spanish is also available.

Age Levels

Family handouts are available in editions for ages 7-9 or ages 10-14.

Print Options

Parishes can purchase the full-color printed booklets or licenses to print themselves.


The curriculum is designed to work well wherever your families will be using it.


We highly recommend hosting the sessions in the parish where you can coach families and hold them in community.

At Home

Families can follow the sessions at home, with the support of booklet prompts and videos.


Some parishes send home every other session or let families who miss a session complete it at home.


The only required component is the family booklet, but we provide a number of options to offer a richer experience, whether at home or in a parish setting.

Family Handouts

These color booklets are the core of the curriculum, with parent instructions, activities, and question prompts.

Leader Guides

Thoughtful facilitator instructions guide you through how to best host sessions at the parish or prepare families for a home experience.

Prayer Songs

The prayer celebrations feature prayer songs, often with simple hand motions. Optional sing-along videos are provided.


Optional Powerpoint presentations help you to lead in-person sessions with a little bit of flair.


Short, publicly available videos help parents prepare, enliven the prayer songs, and step families through the process at home.

At-Home Website

Families can follow a scannable link to a web page with resources to help them with their at-home goals for the week.

Anatomy of a Session

Every session has a similar format and rhythm that families will come to know and appreciate.


We kick off each session with a short thought-provoking teaching related to Reconciliation.


Interactive activities will prompt families to explore topics in a creative way.

Scripture Reading

Families will read a Bible story, learn how to find it in their own Bible, and discuss the story together.

Sacrament of Reconcilition

Each session will focus on one or more parts of the sacramental rite, and how they help us live a good life.

Prayer Celebration

Families will pray together through spoken word, song, movement, and writing to Jesus on prayer slips.

The Flock

Sheep cartoons throughout the sessions bring in some humor and keep us from taking things too seriously.

At Home This Week

The last page of each handout prompts them to work on at-home goals for the week, supported by the website.

Holy Child Blessing

Each session ends with parents giving their children a "hands-on" blessing.